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Help your kids get more physical activity

Use this tool to find ways to fit more activity into their day.

Kids need 60 minutes of activity every day.

That may sound like a lot for a school day, but it doesn’t have to happen all at once. And there are so many ways to squeeze in activity at different times of the day.

Could they get a little more active in the morning? What about after school? Remember, a little here and a little there — it all adds up throughout the day.

As you move down the page, use the sliders to add time to the clock. If you can get it to 60, then you’ve found a way for your kids to meet the goal.

Before school

Start the day off right! There are lots of quick ways for kids to fit in a little activity before school.

Walking the dog

Do morning stretches or yoga

Dancing around the living room

Walking or biking to school
(Skateboarding, riding a scooter, rollerblading, and wheelchair walking count, too!)

Look into before-school programs. Many schools offer activity-based programs designed to get kids moving.

Use the slider to add minutes to the clock.

During school

If your kids can find ways to get active at school, that’s great! If not, focus on getting them more active outside of school hours.

Do they get recess?

Encourage them to play active games and use the playground equipment. (Climbing builds muscle strength, too!)

Do they have a daily PE class?

Ask them how much time they spend moving in PE.

No PE or recess?

Try talking to teachers about working movement breaks into class time

Kids who get physical activity do better on tests. It helps them focus and remember more of what they learn.

It can be a challenge to get kids moving on school breaks. But look at it as a chance for them to get even more activity! Check for free or low-cost sports camps at their school or the local rec center — or make an effort to get active as a family during vacation.

Use the slider to add minutes to the clock.

After school

When the school day ends, let the games begin! Encourage kids to use their after-school energy to get active with friends, siblings, teams, or on their own.

Walking or biking home from school

Playing team sports like soccer or basketball
(Activities like basketball are great ways to build strong bones, too)

Signing up for an active after-school program or rec center class, like swimming or karate

Doing active things with friends like riding bikes or playing outdoors

If school is within walking distance, try taking turns with other parents walking a group of kids to and from school. It’s as safe as taking the school bus, and it counts as physical activity!

Kids can get active by helping out around the house. When they wash the car, clean their rooms, or rake leaves in the yard, it counts as physical activity — and it makes your life a little easier.

Use the slider to add minutes to the clock.


As the day winds down, try to find a few minutes to get active as a family. When you move with your kids, you get the health benefits, too!

Take a walk before or after dinner

Start a family dance party

Turn commercial breaks into fitness breaks when you're watching tv
(Just enough time to have a push-up or jumping jacks contest!)

Play active games, like catch and kickball 

Show off your dance moves, model some yoga poses, or teach them your favorite sport. When kids see you enjoying physical activity, they may want to try it, too.

Kids and teens ages 6 to 17 need a mix of activity every day.

Most of their 60 minutes can be moderate-intensity aerobic activity — anything that gets their heart beating faster counts.

And at least 3 days a week, encourage them to step it up to vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, so they’re breathing fast and their heart is pounding.

7 circles of various colors, each containing a stick figure performing a mixed activity of biking, skateboarding, playing basketball in a wheelchair, walking a dog, hiking, dancing, or swimming.

As part of their daily 60 minutes, kids and teens also need:

Muscle-strengthening activity
at least 3 days a week

Anything that makes their muscles work harder counts — like climbing or swinging on the monkey bars.

3 teal circles, each with a stick figure performing a muscle-strengthening activity of standard pull ups, push ups, or ring pull ups.

Bone-strengthening activity
at least 3 days a week

Bones need pressure to get stronger. Running, jumping, and other weight-bearing activities all count.

3 green circles, each with a stick figure performing a bone-strengthening activity of running, jumping rope, or playing basketball.

Use the slider to add minutes to the clock.

Great job! You found minutes during the day when your kids could be active.

Now use what you’ve learned to help your kids be more active — today and every day

All done! You’ve learned lots of ways to fit more activity into the day.

Now use what you’ve learned to help your kids be more active — today and every day

Move Your Way® and the Move Your Way logo are registered service marks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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