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14th Meeting Agenda

Secretary’s Advisory Committee on National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives for 2030

Developing Healthy People 2030.

June 26, 2019
12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET

I. Welcome
Don Wright, MD, MPH
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health
(Disease Prevention and Health Promotion)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

II. Goals for the Meeting
Dushanka Kleinman, DDS, MScD, and Nico Pronk, PhD, MA, FACSM, FAWHP
Committee Co-Chairs

III. Graphics Subcommittee
Shiriki Kumanyika, PhD, MPH
Graphics Subcommittee Chair

  • Graphics Presentation
    Sonia Barkat and Adam Moorman, CommunicateHealth
  • Committee Discussion
    Moderated by Shiriki Kumanyika
  • Committee Vote & Next Steps
    Dushanka Kleinman

IV. Implementation Subcommittee
Mary Pittman, DrPH
Implementation Subcommittee Chair

  • Committee Discussion
    Moderated by Mary Pittman
  • Committee Vote & Next Steps
    Nico Pronk

V. Meeting Summary: Recommendations, Action Items, and Next Steps
Nico Pronk

VI. Meeting Adjourned