On this page: About the National Data | Methodology | History
About the National Data
Baseline: 57.2 percent of students in grades 9 through 12 reported sunburn in the past 12 months in 2017
Target: 52.2 percent
Questions used to obtain the national baseline data
From the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System:
During the past 12 months, how many times have you had a sunburn? (Count the number of times even a small part of your skin turned red or hurt for 12 hours or more after being outside in the sun or after using a sunlamp or other indoor tanning device.)Numerator:
- 0 times
- 1 time
- 2 times
- 3 times
- 4 times
- 5 or more times
Methodology notes
Data include adolescents who reported a sunburn one or more times in the past 12 months.
In 2024, the baseline race/ethnicity data were revised at the request of the data provider.
1. Effect size h=0.1 was chosen to correspond with 10% improvement from a baseline of 50%.