Healthy People in Action

Healthy People 2030 partners and communities nationwide are striving to improve health in ways that help us move toward achieving Healthy People goals and objectives. Because of their efforts, Healthy People has a profound impact on the health and well-being of the nation.

Healthy People in Action.

Partnership Stories

Healthy People Partnership Stories highlight the work of Healthy People’s official partners. These stories show how our partners are working across sectors to achieve health equity and our vision of a society in which all people can achieve their full potential for health and well-being across the lifespan.

Community Stories

Healthy People Community Stories demonstrate how communities across the country are working to address specific Healthy People 2030 topics and objectives. These communities are putting evidence-based strategies for improving health into practice or using rigorous evaluations of promising practices.

News and Events

Healthy People News and Events posts feature webinars, events, and announcements. These posts provide information about the Healthy People 2030 initiative — like information about Healthy People objectives and data, Leading Health Indicators, social determinants of health, and how to use Healthy People in your work.

Learn more about Healthy People Partnership Stories, Community Stories, and News and Events

Latest Healthy People in Action posts

ODPHP Announces Agenda and Speakers for the 2024 National Healthy Aging Symposium

Posted on by ODPHP
2024 Healthy Aging Symposium Date Card

We’re less than one month away from the 2024 National Healthy Aging Symposium hosted by ODPHP and Trust for America’s Health. During this free, half-day event on September 26, attendees will hear from policymakers, researchers, and professionals from across sectors about successful innovations that improve older adult health and well-being in communities around the country. The full agenda is now available.

Healthy Northeast Ohio: Helping Partners Use Local Data to Work Toward National Healthy People 2030 Objectives

Posted on by ODPHP
Healthy People 2030

This blog post is part of our quarterly series highlighting the work of Healthy People 2030 Champion organizations. Healthy People 2030 Champions are organizations recognized for their work to improve the health and well-being of people in their communities and to help achieve Healthy People 2030’s goals. 

Wisconsin Department of Health Services: Centering Health Equity in State Health Improvement Planning

Posted on by ODPHP
Map of States and Territories with OASH Region numbers

Healthy People 2030 goals and objectives guide the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) throughout the development and implementation of its State Health Improvement Plan. DHS embraces its mission to “protect and promote the health and safety of the people of Wisconsin” and works toward a vision of “everyone living their best life.” Unlike other states with a standalone public health agency, DHS includes public health under its umbrella of programs and services. This brings with it both benefits and challenges.