Reduce the proportion of prescription pain reliever misuse initiation in the past year — SU‑20 Data Methodology and Measurement

About the National Data


Baseline: 0.74 percent of persons aged 12 years and over reported prescription pain reliever misuse initiation in the past 12 months in 2017

Target: 0.62 percent

Number of persons aged 12 years and over reporting prescription pain reliever misuse initiation in the past 12 months.
Number of persons aged 12 years and over.
Target-setting method
Minimal statistical significance
Target-setting method details
Minimal statistical significance, assuming the same standard error for the target as for the baseline.
Target-setting method justification
Trend data were evaluated for this objective, but it was not possible to project a target because the Healthy People 2030 Workgroup Subject Matter Experts did not expect the trend to continue. The standard error was used to calculate a target based on minimal statistical significance, assuming the same standard error for the target as for the baseline. This method was used because it was a statistically significant improvement from the baseline.


Questions used to obtain the national baseline data

(For additional information, please visit the data source page linked above.)

Please think about the first time you ever used [insert prescription pain reliever type] in a way a doctor did not direct you to use it.

How old were you when you first used [insert prescription pain reliever type] in a way a doctor did not direct you to use it? [Month/Year]

Methodology notes

Past year initiates include those who used that substance (misused in the case of prescription pain relievers) for the first time in the past year. Misuse of prescription pain relievers is defined as use in any way not directed by a doctor, including use without a prescription of one's own; use in greater amounts, more often, or longer than told; or use in any other way not directed by a doctor. Prescription pain relievers do not include over-the-counter drugs.