Status: Getting worse
Most Recent Data:
deaths per 100,000 population
(2022) *
per 100,000
Desired Direction:
Decrease desired
deaths per 100,000 population were caused by an overdose involving synthetic opioids other than methadone in 2018 *
* Age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population.
Reduce overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids other than methadone (e.g., fentanyl)
Data Sources: National Vital Statistics System - Mortality (NVSS-M), CDC/NCHS; Population Estimates, Census
In the past few years, deaths involving fentanyl and other non-methadone synthetic opioids have increased dramatically — and they now make up a large percentage of drug overdose deaths. Interventions to change health care providers’ opioid prescribing behaviors can help reduce opioid-related deaths. Distributing naloxone to reverse overdoses and providing access to medications for opioid use disorder can also help reduce overdose deaths.
Topics: Injury Prevention, Drug and Alcohol Use
Workgroup: Injury and Violence Prevention Workgroup