Increase the proportion of adolescents who walk or bike to get places — PA‑11 Healthy People in Action

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Healthy People in Action posts related to this objective (3)

Healthy People Community Stories

Southern West Virginia Blends In-Person and Virtual Activities for Move Your Way Community Campaign

Posted on November 16, 2020 by ODPHP

In 2020, ODPHP is working with 8 pilot communities to implement the Move Your Way campaign on the local level, using the Move Your Way Community Playbook. This installment highlights successful campaign strategies that Active Southern West Virginia (Active SWV) is using to promote physical activity both online and in person.
Healthy People Community Stories

Move Your Way Pilot Communities Get Creative During COVID-19

Posted on September 8, 2020 by ODPHP

In 2020, ODPHP is working with 8 pilot communities to implement the Move Your Way campaign on the local level, using the Move Your Way Community Playbook. In this installment, we’re gathering lessons learned across the pilot communities during the first 6 months of the COVID-19 pandemic — and highlighting strategies that other community organizations can use in these challenging times.
Healthy People Community Stories

Cabarrus County Gets Walking for Their Move Your Way Campaign Kickoff

Posted on August 17, 2020 by ODPHP

In 2020, ODPHP is working with 8 pilot communities to implement the Move Your Way campaign on the local level, using the Move Your Way Community Playbook. This installment highlights a successful virtual launch event that took place on April 25, 2020 in Cabarrus County, North Carolina.