Status: Little or no detectable change
Most Recent Data:
cases of gonorrhea per 100,000 males
per 100,000
Desired Direction:
Decrease desired
cases of gonorrhea per 100,000 males aged 15 to 24 years were reported in 2017
Reduce gonorrhea rates among adolescent and young males
Gonorrhea rates have gone up in recent years, especially in men. People with gonorrhea are more likely to get and transmit HIV, and it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease in women. Gonorrhea may soon become resistant to the last recommended antibiotic. Screening people at highest risk and quickly starting treatment after diagnosis are key to preventing negative health outcomes from untreated gonorrhea and reducing the risk of untreatable infection.
Topics: Sexually Transmitted Infections, Adolescents , Men
Workgroup: Sexually Transmitted Infections Workgroup